

Pakistan science club as media partner is officially covering 2nd All Pakistan Computer Science, Engineering, Gaming and Business Competition IBA-PROBATTLE’14 which is going to be held from 20th to 22nd March 2014 where people from different universities explore and show their creativity under one platform to excel their potential and dignify their name.

The event includes the following competitions;

–          IT Competitions: Speed programming, Web development, Mobile/game application, Software exhibition and Robo wars.

–          Business competition: Innovative Business Ideas.

–          Gaming competitions: Need for speed (Most wanted), Counterstrike 1.6 and Fifa 2013.

–          Digital art and communication design: Web design, Poster design, Logo design and Photography competition.

–          Hardware exhibition.

Read more : http://blog.paksc.org/2014/02/22/iba-probattle14-comming/


Promo Video.


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