Experience the exhilarating Air Vortex, Vacuum leverage, Fire Ball, Giant Elephant toothpaste, vanishing water, Bernoulli Balls, spinning eggs, have fun with inertia, balance the stick on one finger and much more
What is a Science Show?
Science is curiosity about unknown and it is all around us, we come across to some of its common principles and magical tricks in our daily routine which cast their spell on us. Fun Science Show is an entertaining activity with include many simple scientific tricks to decipher the basic laws and theories of various scientific phenomenon such as inertia, pressure, light, sound, force and gravity etc. These demonstrations of fundamental concepts along with fun make the students to remember these elementary concepts in a very interesting way.
Why Science Show?
Our students learn science through the traditional memorization method, and it becomes boring and burdensome for them. Because of this, they do not remember it for long and their concepts are not clear.
Keeping this issue in mind and to create interest of students towards science and its applications, Pakistan Science Club started a new trend in Pakistan. It is an interesting way to motivate students and increase their interest in science and its learning by organizing science shows in schools, colleges, festivals, science fairs and libraries.

This great science sampler’ was originally developed as the main science show for the 2017 to 2019 AlifAilan Campaign for schools as a way of introducing science into the greater community. Perfect for schools that want a professional large-stage performance in their school hall, with the added bonus that a show catering to up to 240 students at a time is also more economical per student.
Students love this as an end of school term treat or as something to get the kids back into science!
General Science Show Activities for Grade 1 to 4
- Fun with inertia: It is a challenge to find out whether the egg is boiled or not without breaking them.
- Mentos geyser: An enormous jet is formed when Mentos are dropped into the soda drink defining the process of nucleation.
- Burst Balloon without Touching: Can you imagine if you can pop balloon without touching it?
- Air Vortex: Shooting compressed air rings over the class – discussion on pressure
- Vanishing water: Check out this super absorbent polymer used in magic tricks
- Elephant Toothpaste: The classic foamy reaction that releases a lot energy
- Rocket: Learn how to launch several types of rockets. It’s all about high and low pressure. (CONDITIONAL)
- Gigantic Bubbles: Have a look at surface tension in a different way. (CONDITIONAL)
- Mixing Colored Lights: White light is made of colors! (CONDITIONAL)
- Static Electricity: In this experiment we will give a balloon a static charge and attract objects with it!
- To lift glass with balloon: This is an interesting balloon and glass experiment to see how a balloon can lift a glass several time its weight.
- Oobleck: It is a wonderful science experiment that shows children just how non-Newtonian fluids work.
- Make CO2 Bicarb Balloon: A great experiments students can safely repeat.
- Egg Drop Inertia Challenge
General Science Show Activities for Grade 5+
- Balance Stick: It is a challenge in which participant tries to balance the stick on one finger.
- Hydrogen Bubble: It is carried out in a safe way to show explosive nature of hydrogen gas. (CONDITIONAL)
- Elephant Toothpaste: The classic foamy reaction that releases a lot of energy
- Giant Gyroscope: A student uses a giant gyroscope to spin on a rotating platform
- Bernoulli Balls: Float balls in mid-air, relating curved surfaces to wing design.
- Fireball: Learn about the fire triangle in this highly visual demonstration.
- Rocket: Learn how to launch several types of rockets.it’s all about high and low pressure. (CONDITIONAL)
- Bernoulli Bags: Can you fill a 7 ft bag in one breath?
- Genie in the bottle: What appears to be a normal bottle quickly reveals to have a genie inside!
- Static Electricity: In this experiment we will give a balloon a static charge and attract objects with it!
- Straw in Potato: Is it possible to pass a straw through a potato? Yes, and it’s not a trick!
- Balloon in the bottle: This super easy and fun experience to learn about air pressure
- Rising water in upside down bottle: Did you know you can make water rise without touching it? Nope, it isn’t magic. It’s science.
- Do gases have any weight? The activity helps to learn about the properties of CO2 gas by doing simple experiments.
- Van De Graf Generator: How do clouds make lightning?
Science Show Demonstrations
- Recommended for the students from grade 1 to 4 and 5 to 8
- Maximum number of students to attend the fun science show will be 50.
- Number of Experiments: 8 to 10
- Require access to one electrical power socket and 2 tables.
- Mic & Sound system required.
- Duration of the show is 60 minutes, set up and pack time will be 30 minutes.
National Curriculum Linked
Curriculum linked activities will help the students to understand what they have been taught in schools and its practical implementations. These brief and exciting demonstrations cover various topics of National Curriculum of General Science from grade 1 to grade 8 These topics include force and motion, inertia, pressure, basic chemical reactions, Newton’s laws of motion and gravity etc.
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