During the global pandemic, self-isolation, and despair, Pakistan Science Club was determined to provide quality time to young ones and teens. Since Pakistan Science Club has been organizing multiple Summer Science camps for children every year during summer vacations but the previous year brought a lot more challenges. Online Summer Camp was the answer and to execute such hands-on activities remotely was not easy and the task couldn’t be completed with the cooperation of parents and guardians, so instead of involving just children, parents were also invited to join and this made the first-ever Family STEM Summer Camp.
Following is the list of projects kids will be doing along with their Parents/guardians:
Solar water geyser
Air heater
Solar bug
Elastic coaster
Bug Catcher
Fun Chemistry
Conductive Bracelet
The Camp will be conducted Online from 04th December, 03 pm to 04 pm, two days a week i.e. Friday and Saturday with children of age group 06-12 years with parents/guardians, PSC will provide complete material kit for the camp
This camp categorizes in 2 groups according to age, group 1 age 5 to 8, and group 2 age 9 to 12. Online STEM Camp batch 6 projects for grup1 will be The vibrating robot, Rubber powered gun, Hovercraft/Helicopter, Hydraulic crane, Paper circuit, Electromagnet, Magnetic boat, Air rocket / Straw and Paper Airplanes and for group 2 are, Saltwater battery, Solar oven, Solar lantern, VAWT electricity generator, Water Rocket, HYDRAULIC ELEVATORHydraulic scissors lift, Gliders, Automatic street light
The 5-week SELF-PACED program is only for GIRLS of age 10-18 who are interested in Artificial Intelligence and solving community problems using it, girls either individual or group (maximum 6) will be guided to gather Data, refining and process the data through Machine learning and then creating a Paper prototype App (Not a full-fledged and professional one).
Online Family STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) Summer Camp is an engaging, learning, and healthy experience for students of different age groups ranging between (8-14) to be held on June 1. The parents of the participating children can also accompany their children during the camp.
We want you to be part of this initiative and promote the cause so that more and more people can make the most of their time, learn and enhance their hands-on skills and capabilities.