Team PSC’s wins Sky Surfing Competition at SEE14′

Habab's Glider is ready to make it's record winning flight at SEE14'

Pakistan Science Club’s genius designer and innovator Habab Idress rubber band glider leaves all other rubber band gliders behind and glides the victory flight by huge margin at Open House competition at SEE14′. Habab’s rubber band glider made winning record of 7 seconds flight.

Pakistan Science Club as per her tradition to motivate and promote the science participated in Senior Design Project Competition and Junior Design Project competitions at SEE14’.

Hassan and Sana as The Senior Inventors, Innovators and researchers at Pakistan Science Club presented their Research project at SEE 14’. Their research project was Wind Mill, which has come up after tiresome investigation, trials and passionate efforts.

Habab Idrees as The Junior Inventor, Innovator and researcher at Pakistan Science Club presented his research project at SEE 14’. His research project was Green Thermal Moderator. A unique Idea that took Passionate efforts, numbers of proto types and tiresome efforts to bring up this innovative design to control heat flow as per will.


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