He is doing Electronic Engineering from Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology. He did a research-based project Dual rotor vertical axis wind turbine, a multi-purpose smart umbrella. He is currently working as an Embedded programmer in NUNAMI.inc (American firm)

He is the Winner of In House Project Exhibition at the SSUET, Best Category award in the INTEL Provisional Science Fair, 3rd position in the science project competition at NED University. He is also doing an Industrial project Implementation of IoT in Automation. He joined Pakistan Science Club 7 years ago

Photo File PSC

Mustafa at PSC studio
Mustafa at PSC studio


Musufa with robaid and Hamza ibrahim
Musufa with robaid and Hamza ibrahim
Musufa with Sir Abdul Rauf
Musufa with Sir Abdul Rauf  at PSC


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