Habab Idrees student and studying in F.Sc pre-engineering. He is an active member of the Pakistan science club.

I am Habab Idrees from Karachi Pakistan, I go to DJ Sindh Science Government College. I love to play football, Lego, K’nex. The thing I love doing most is finding out the solutions to different problems. What got me interested in science was television when I was in 7th grade.


I used to watch TV shows related to science which taught me that everything in this world is somehow related to science and through science, we could help a lot of people and we could also make our world a better place to live. So at that time, I decided that I would be an Inventor, not just an ordinary Inventor but the best Inventor in this world. The person that gave me inspiration is Leonardo da Vinci because he was a multi-talented person. The work he did is so inspiring.  My dream is to study in MIT because I want to learn more about science and use that knowledge to help this world.



habab idrees
Habab with his project Smart Solar Device 2.0
Habab with his project Smart Solar Device
Habab with his project Smart Solar Device


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