Team Pakistan Science Club qualifies for Intel National Science Fair 2015

Aiming to promote scientific culture via research, Pakistan Science Club Participated in Intel Sindh Provincial Science Fair 2015, Motivated by a great success at Intel ISEF 2014. Team PSC brought up two group projects and one Individual project at Intel Provisional Science Fair. All three projects were mentored by Mr. Abdul Rauf. President Pakistan Science Club,

First research-based project “Water Purification via Osmosis and Efficient Solar Distiller” led by Habab Idrees, Team members, Aiman Rasheed and Fatima Rasheed. The teacher for this group project was Muhammad Hassan Siddique. Second research-based project is “Grey Water Treatment via physio-chemical Treatment”. It was an individual Project led by Abdul Basit. The teacher for this project was Sana Mehmood Third research-based project “Dual Rotor Vertical Robaid and Hamza Ibrahim. The teacher for this group project was Syed Hammad Hussain Nazir. All three Projects qualified for Intel National Science Fair 2015. Last year Pakistan Science Club made his first-ever participation at Intel Science Fair 2014 with his project “Multi Purpose Smart Solar Device” lead by Habab Idrees. The Project qualified Regional, National science fairs and at INTEL ISEF, Pittsburg USA lighten the board for Pakistan and Pakistan Science Club with its sole win for Team Pakistan. The Project made history by winning dual honor for Third price in the category and Honorary mention at Special Prize Ceremony.


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