Pakistan Science Club was organized Tech Bonanza (Fun Summer Camp) with the collaboration of the College of Engineering and Sciences, the Institute of Business Management (CBM). The program was consisted of Aerospace Projects to learn aerodynamics, and Mechatronics. Dealing with Mechanics and Electronics in project making, Construction Projects deals with designing the vast range of Projects, the Re-Invent session deals with the re-invention of various projects

Here is the Photo gallery links of the Summer Science Program 2014

Photo Gallery: Aerospace Week

Ammar Campers Sahaad Arham Habab Abdul Rauf Mustafa Habab and…
Robot Car by Sabeeh and Ateeb Robot Cars ready for…
2nd week of science exploration camp (Techbonanza) photos. In this…
Day 2 Popsicle Stick Bridge Construction at Science Summer Camp…
Photo gallery of introductory session of Science Summer Camp TechBonanza …
Science Summer Camp TechBonanza: “Young Scientist Treasure” 2014 Day One…



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