National Science & Innovation Fair 2019 was successfully organized Pakistan Science Club (PSC) in collaboration with by ECO Science Foundation (ECOSF), Usman Institute of Technology (UIT), Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) and others.

The top three winners of the NSIF’19 participated in the China Adolescents Science and Technology Innovation Contest (CASTIC), the biggest science contest of Asia in July 2019.

Students from all over Pakistan participated and shared their ideas on a larger platform under the umbrella of the Pakistan Science Club. NSIF’19 helped students to think in a rational way to explore the possibilities for the betterment of society using scientific concepts and innovative approaches.

Prior to the event series of workshops was conducted by PSC to spread awareness about the event and to encourage talented students to participate and bring out their talent to make this world a better place. Workshops were not only conducted in schools and colleges but online sessions were also carried out by PSC for the guidance of students residing outside Karachi.  NSIF19 was held at one of the most prestigious institutes of technology in Karachi “Usman Institute of Technology (UIT)” on Saturday, 15th June 2019.

A large number of students along with their mentors, teachers, and families participated and witnessed the competition among different schools. A total of 30 projects were shortlisted out of 500 registrations. Shortlisted candidates were from different schools and colleges of Pakistan

Dr. Manzoor Hussain Soomro (President ECOSF) was the chief guest of the event whereas Dr. Prof. Sikander Sherwani (Professor Federal Urdu University), Parkash Lohana (Professor UIT), Bhavani Shankar (Professor MUET), Dr. Zaheer (Director UIT), Partab Shivani (President Thar Education Alliance) witnessed the competition as Special Guests of the Event.

The event started at 09 am in the morning, tables were assigned to each student, where students set up their projects and project board. Judging was carried out from 10:00 am to 01:00 pm. Each project was judged by at least three judges of the project category. At 01 pm there was a lunch arrangement for students, their parents and mentors. Meanwhile, results were prepared by the judges. The closing ceremony was then started at 2:30 pm with the recitation of the Holy Quran, President of Pakistan Science Club, Abdul Rauf presented the welcome note to the honorable guests and participants. Dr. Manzoor Hussain Soomro was invited to share his views about the event as keynote speaker, he appreciated all the participants and urged them to keep working on their ideas not only for competition but for the betterment of our beloved homeland. Dr. Zaheer, director UIT and Prof. Bhavani Shankar from MUET also talked about the importance of conceptual learning and innovative approach in the world of technology. The event was concluded after the result announcements


After a very tough competition, three winners were finalized by the judges by mutual consent. These are as follows:
1. First Position
Name: Arbaaz Mehmood Project Title: Matter-Antimatter Collisions: A way forward in Particle physics

2. Second Position
Name: Aamna Ahmed Project Title: Smart Aqua Lab

3. Third Position
Name: Hamza Ibrahim Project Title: Paralyze Assist

Other than the top 3 winners that will represent Pakistan in China, three special prizes were also given to selected participants who will be representing Pakistan in Junior Einstein Competition at Stamford University, Thailand. Chief guest, special guests and President PSC presented medals to the winner students and congratulate them. The guests were awarded with honorary souvenirs and shields from the Team PSC.

Team PSC is highly grateful for the generous sponsorship and cooperation of ECOSF, PSF, and USMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY for this competition. It was a great honor and gratitude that such prestige organizations collaborated and joined hands for the positive change and promotion of science in our society through this worth learning, exciting and healthy activity. The contribution of the mentioned organization is not only a charitable contribution but without their support and assistance of them, it would not be possible for us to achieve our goals. Along with them, PSC is highly thankful to IEEE, Khwarizmi Science Society, Ilm.e.neroon, Thar Education Alliance, Takhti Online, NAYS, Scientia, Popup learning, WEP, IFIA, Mad lab UK, NMIEL, High Star Science Club as network partners and all the other personnel involving volunteers and security persons for their assistance.

National Science & Innovation Fair 2019 at Karachi, PakistanNational Science & Innovation Fair 2019 at Karachi, Pakistan. Special prize winner IEEE YESIST 12, Junior Einstein competition Yasir

National Science & Innovation Fair 2019 at Karachi, Pakistan
National Science & Innovation Fair 2019 at Karachi, Pakistan. Special prize winner IEEE YESIST 12, Junior Einstein competition Yasir Mayet
 National Science & Innovation Fair 2019 at Karachi, Pakistan
3. Third Position
Name Hamza Ibrahim Project Title: Paralyze Assist . National Science & Innovation Fair 2019 at Karachi, Pakistan
National Science & Innovation Fair 2019 at Karachi, Pakistan
2. Second Position
Name: Aamna Ahmed Project Title: Smart Aqua Lab. National Science & Innovation Fair 2019 at Karachi, Pakistan
National Science & Innovation Fair 2019 at Karachi, Pakistan
Name: Arbaaz Mehmood Project Title: Matter-Antimatter Collisions: A way forward in Particle physics
National Science & Innovation Fair 2019 at Karachi, Pakistan national Science & Innovation Fair 2019 at Karachi, Pakistan. Special prize winner IEEE YESIST 12, Junior Einstein competition Yasir Salaar aftab


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