IEEE Karachi Section’s Training Workshop and Science Fair 2014 are held in collaboration with Pakistan Science Club for students of ages from 15-18 years, studying at Matric/O Level or Intermediate/A Level.

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional association dedicated to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE Karachi Section, tracing its history from May 22, 1978, falls in IEEE Asia Pacific Region 10, and is one of the three IEEE Sections in Pakistan. IEEE Science Fair 2014 is a one-day event, held in collaboration with Pakistan Science Club, for 15–18-year-old students of Matric/O Level or Intermediate/A Level. At this event, students will be displaying projects on themes from that will be provided to them after registration. This event is one of the many efforts of IEEE Karachi Section for pre-university students to inculcate their interest of engineering and to motivate them to choose engineering as their career of choice. A maximum of three teams from each school/institute can participate in the Science Fair, the registration form for which are attached in the appendices and are available online. The completed forms may be sent to the address below for registration.

To assist the teachers before the IEEE Karachi Section Science Fair 2014, a workshop has been organized so that teachers are equipped to guide their students and can solve potential problems. 2 teachers, from each registered school, are required to attend this workshop aimed to deliver the STEM (Science Technology and Mathematics) techniques and DIY (Do It Yourself) project-based  learning with the support of Pakistan Science Club. Teachers attending pre workshop would be responsible to facilitate their students, with more than a month to prepare projects to be  exhibited at the Science Fair on May 31, 2014. The registered teams, after which regular communication will be maintained. Before the Science Fair, however, a Training Workshop will be held on April 24, 2014 from 10 AM to 1 PM at Usman Institute of Technology in Karachi, to assist the teachers before Science Fair 2014 so that  they are equipped to guide their students and can solve potential problems.

Teacher training date: 24 April 2014 Time: 10 AM to 1 PM

Science Fair date May 31, 2014

Location: Usman Institute of Technology, St 13, Block 7,

Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Abul Hasan Isphahani Road, Opposite Safari Park, Karachi


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