
Maker Challenge #3 Aqua Guardian

In the face of a critical water crisis, Pakistan has been classified as “critically water-insecure” in the 2023 UN report. The nation’s rapid population growth, coupled with the impacts of climate change and a history of mismanagement, have collectively resulted in an alarming 80% decrease in per capita water availability over the past seven decades. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the third monthly maker challenge is dedicated to addressing this monumental issue. It calls upon young engineers to design and create devices, machines, or innovative solutions that can effectively conserve and optimize water usage.

The Challenge:

This month’s challenge is nothing short of a call to arms for Pakistan’s budding engineers and innovators. The objective is clear: develop solutions that can help to fix the water crisis, promote water conservation, and potentially revolutionize how water is used in daily life. Think smart water alarms, low-flow fixtures, and beyond. However, there’s a catch: your solutions must focus on optimizing the usage of water that already reaches households through existing water lines and supplies. You’re not permitted to make devices that collect rainwater, etc.

How to Make a video for this challenge?

  • Make a video that’s 2 to 4 minutes long (but not more than 4 minutes).
  • Start by introducing yourself. Say your name and a bit about yourself.
  • Next, talk about your project. Explain what it is and why you made it.
  • Show us your project in action. Let us see how it works. When creating a video, make sure to include a clip of your project working.
  • Then, explain how you put it all together. Tell us the steps you took.
  • Lastly, explain the scientific phenomena that you applied in creating your project. Share what you’ve learned from taking on this challenge.
  • You can use any video editing application like Cap Cut, etc., for the video-making process.

How to write a document?

For the document, you can download the provided document template and fill in the requested information. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QpYIOUxfTwV6m32E5osA8Qzv7Ia8n3-7v09lvTnQxTs/

November Maker Challenge: Become an Aqua Guardian!

At Team PSC, we believe that conserving water is not just a necessity; it’s a responsibility we all share.

The Challenge: Spot it. Sketch it. Solve it.

Spot it:

Spot it.

The first step in our “Aqua Guardian” mission involves keen observation. Take a walk around your home – what do you see? Is your water tank mindlessly overflowing? Is the garden hose running longer than it should? How much water splashes unnoticed to the ground during car washes or while you’re taking a shower? Awareness is the precursor to change, and we’re challenging you to identify these critical points of water wastage.

Sketch it.

Sketch it.

Once you’ve identified where water is being wasted, document it. Make a comprehensive list of these moments and situations. This list will be the canvas on which you’ll sketch your innovative solutions.

Solve it

Solve it

Innovation is at the heart of every maker’s spirit, and now it’s your time to shine. Take one item from your list and conceptualize a project to address it. Think along the lines of the innovations that already exist, like water alarms for tanks. But don’t stop there. Push the boundaries of creativity and practicality.

Ready to Dive In?

  • Spot: Look around your house for water wastage.
  • Sketch: Make a list of these issues.
  • Solve: Choose one and create an innovative project to tackle it.

As Makers, you are the vanguard of change. Let’s not just passively observe but actively engage in preserving the most precious resource we have. Be the change, be an Aqua Guardian.


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