
Monthly Maker Challenge. #MakerChallenge 1 is to Make a 15-second machine with household material



  • Theme: The challenge theme is to create a 15-second machine using the provided list material. Participants must use their imagination and creativity to design and build a unique machine.
  • Materials: Only the provided list of materials is allowed for constructing the machine. 
  • Design Requirement: You need to build a machine that can move or show some kind of movement continuously for exactly 15 seconds and then stop immediately when the 15 seconds are up. It should be very precise and accurate in its timing.
  • Safety: Participants must prioritize safety during the construction and operation of their machines. Any potentially hazardous elements are strictly prohibited.
  • Submission Deadline: All entries must be submitted by the 25th via the provided link. Late submissions will not be considered.
  • Judging Criteria: Entries will be evaluated based on creativity, functionality, use of recycled materials, and completing the challenge.
  • Winner Announcement: The winners will be announced on the 5th, and prizes will be awarded to the three most outstanding and innovative entries.
  • Intellectual Property: By submitting their creations, participants grant Pakistan Science Club the right to use their work for promotional purposes, while retaining full ownership of their intellectual property.
  • Fair Play: Participants must refrain from plagiarism, cheating, or any dishonest practices. Any violation of these rules will result in immediate disqualification.

Submission date: 25 September for STEAM Pakistan associated schools

Submission date: 05 October (for Open Challenge)

Material that can used

  • Cardboard
  • Thread
  • Balloon
  • Paper cup
  • Ice sticks
  • Round stick
  • Water
  • Recycled bottles
  • Newspaper
  • any other recycled material

Material That can not used

  • Any electronics items (like Arduino, ICs etc. )

  • Submission Requirements for Participants:
  • Document: Participants are required to prepare a document containing pictures of their project. The document should include details such as: 
    • a. How they came up with the idea for the project. 
    • b. Materials used in the project.
    • c. Step-by-step instructions on how they built the machine. 
    • d. The journey of the project, including challenges faced and how they overcame them.
  • Video:
    • Participants must create a video with a maximum duration of 2 to 3 minutes (not exceeding 3 minutes). The video should contain the following elements: 
    • a. Introduction: The video should start with a brief introduction of the participant, including their name and background information. 
    • b. Project Introduction: Participants should provide a brief overview of their project, mentioning its purpose and goals. 
    • c. Machine Demonstration: The video should demonstrate the 15-second machine created for the challenge. Participants should ensure the machine’s movement timing is accurately measured using a stopwatch or clock. 
    • d. Construction Explanation: Participants should explain the process of building the machine step-by-step during the video. 
    • e. Learning Experience: The video should include a segment where participants briefly share what they have learned from taking part in this challenge.
  • Submission Guidelines:
    • Format: Both the document and video should be in digital format (PDF for the document and common video formats like MP4 for the video).
    • Maximum Duration: The video must not exceed 3 minutes in length, but it should be at least 1 minute long.
    • Accuracy: Ensure that all information provided in the document and video is accurate and reflects the participant’s own work.
    • Language: Urdu and English
      (For international participants they should include English subtitles if the participants’ language is different). 
    • Authenticity: Participants should avoid plagiarism or using someone else’s work without proper attribution.


Monthly Maker Challenge DOC Template


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