1st Afaq Science and arts Exhibition Karachi Afaq association for academic quality organized its first science and art exhibition in Karachi, Korangi Pakistan Science club’s Media center covers the exhibition. More than 50 schools participated in this event school kids made a model of different topics of biology, physic some projects regarding energy solar and wind power they tried to explain how we can overcome load shedding problems

working canon model by students


Environmental science project


arts projects by Superior model school


Takbeer Secondary school student project is solar system


radiant model school students project wind turbine and other models


radiant model school students project wind turbine


radiant model school students project


radiant model school students project wind turbine


DNA Model by NJW Grammar School students


Arts Model


Mr. Asif Qureshi visiting a stall of the Karachi city school


Karachi City school’s Stall


Karachi City school’s Stall arts model


Arts project by the Karachi city school


Fruit battery by school students


afaq science and arts exhibition Karachi korangi


Project on pollution by Fatima Public school


Project on pollution by Fatima Public school


arts model


digestive system model by RR Memorial school


sulfuric acid plant model by Takbeer secondary school


Tauheed public high secondary school project AC Generator


Hira Foundation school’s girls scientist project about density.


Model of visur of HIV


Karachi Cadet School stall



Hira Foundation school boys campus project telegraph



Digestive system model by madrasa ibtada e -o-sanoia jama dar-al-uloom karachi


Solar street light by Town Idea School Korangi Zaman Town Krachi


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