Make a simple gyroscope from CD-ROM

Make a simple Gyroscope from CD-ROM

(Do it your self Project (DIY) Gyroscope)

What is A gyroscope? 

gyroscope is a device for measuring or maintaining orientation, based on the principle of preserving angular momentum. Mechanical gyroscopes typically comprise a spinning wheel or disc in which the axle is free to assume any orientation. (Wikipedia)

Learning object:

  • To understand basics of angular momentum, Working of  Gyroscope

How gyroscope works? see this link
Building of simple gyroscope using a CD drive parts e.g motor, CD, and CD rotor hub and other parts, pencil, 9 volt battery or DC 9V adapter .

I will show you how to make a simple Gyroscopee Step by Step in pictures.

Take old CD -ROM Drive and open it

Take old CD -ROM Drive and open it

CD -ROM Drive

CD -ROM Drive

put small DC motor

take DC motor

DC motor

DC motor

Disc drive

Disc drive hub ( spindle platter)


Disc drive hub ( spindle platter)

Disc drive hub ( spindle platter) with motor router

Disc drive hub ( spindle platter) Holder

Disc drive hub ( spindle platter) Holder

open the top of CD ROM body and get a Disc drive hub holder

open the top of CD ROM body and get a Disc drive hub holder

Disc drive hub holder

Disc drive hub holder

Required parts of CD-ROM Disc drive hub holder, CD Disc drive hub, DC motor

Required parts of CD-ROM Disc drive hub holder, CD Disc drive hub, DC motor

Pakistan-Science Club-DoScience-project (11)

separate the motor magnet rotor Disc drive hub ( spindle platter)

Pakistan-Science Club-DoScience-project (15)

Attach the motor shaft with Disc drive hub ( spindle platter)


Attach the motor shaft with  Disc drive hub ( spindle platter)

Attach the motor shaft with Disc drive hub ( spindle platter) by the help of supper glue or glue gun

Pakistan-Science Club-DoScience-project (13)

motor shaft with Disc drive hub ( spindle platter)

Pakistan-Science Club-DoScience-project (16)

Disc drive hub ( spindle platter) is fixed on motor

Pakistan-Science Club-DoScience-project (17)

Disc drive hub ( spindle platter) is fixed on motor

Pakistan-Science Club-DoScience-project (18)

stick a pencil with back side of motor with supper glue and sand

Pakistan-Science Club-DoScience-project (20)

stick a pencil with back side of motor with supper glue and sand

Pakistan-Science Club-DoScience-project (21)

Simple Gyroscope from CD-ROM is ready for the action

Pakistan-Science Club-DoScience-project (22)

An other design of Simple Gyroscope with three Cd's

Pakistan-Science Club-DoScience-project (24)

Tow Simple Gyroscope

An other design of Simple Gyroscope with three Cd's

Watch Simple Gyroscope in action

Warning: cd rotors are dangerous! It may cracked and exploded. so please wear safety glasses for you and your students safety Please be aware that the speed of the gyroscope is pretty fast even using a single AA battery and it is not suitable for young children.



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