Telescope construction by Amjad Telescope Construction step by step in pictures. Amjad live in village Haryankot Malakand KPK. He made this telescope with the help…
Franklin motor Materials two aluminum cans,plastic cup, snap, pushpin, polystyrene foam board, styrene foam pillar, aluminum foil, paper clip, adhesive tape, vinyl pipe, and kitchen…
Homemade Simple Pinhole Lens Camera Simple Pinhole camera is an interesting activity to understand the principle, construction and working of a modern Camera, you can…
How to make Conductivity Tester, Level: Elementary/Secondary Concept: Equipment which can distinguish good conductor from insulator Introduction: Using this equipment, we can check whether a…
Electrolysis of water experiment Electrolysis of water is the decomposition of water (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen gas (H2) due to an electric current…
Step by step extraction of DNA from onion Materials: Onion1/2, Ice cold 60% ethanol, Acetorein ( Acetocarmine), Blender, Beaker, Glass bar, Tea strainer, Syringe, Liquid…
How to Make a Simple Electric Generator lights a LED Electricity by shaking magnets Experiment Level: Secondary Class, Concept: Induced electromotive force lights a LED.…