How to make Tesla Coil
How to make Tesla Coil. Simple solid state Tesla coil also called slayer exciter circuit (A Slayer Exciter is an air-cored transformer that steps up a very low DC voltage to a very high AC voltage) Its is a simplest Tesla Coil and class 8th to above students can build under parents or teacher supervision.
What is Tesla Coil? A Tesla coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit invented by Nikola Tesla around 1891. It is used to produce high-voltage with low-current and high frequency of alternating-current electricity. Tesla experimented with a number of different configurations consisting of two, or sometimes three, coupled resonant electric circuits. Read more.
What is Tesla Coil? A Slayer Exciter is an air-cored transformer that steps up a very low DC voltage to a very high AC voltage)
In this post we only tell you list and diagram, construction of this project can be learn via video tutorial
- Transistor 2n2222
- copper wire 26 to 30 gauge
- PVC pipe
- connecting wires
- Bread board
- 9V battery
How to make Tesla Coil: Diagram

Watch How to make Simple Tesla Coil from PSC YouTube channel
(Note: Please click on closed captions for English subtitle)
Warning: The Slayer exciter creates an electromagnetic field that may negatively affect electronic equipment
Updated Video:
(Note: Please click on closed captions for English subtitle)
(February 1, 2023 - 4:10 pm)Will my tesla coil still work without a heat sink and a capacitor? Please reply ASAP. Cause in some videos I noticed no use of capacitor just LED, resistor and transistor
Abdul Rauf
(February 19, 2023 - 11:18 am)capacitor protects the transistor to burn
(January 23, 2022 - 12:38 am)I have been trying for so many days my tesla coil wont produce wireless spark pls help plssss
Munir Balti
(December 3, 2018 - 7:40 am)i use 30 guage wire with 700 secondary turn but its not working what can i do for that
(December 3, 2018 - 9:17 am)can you share your project photos?
Abdul Rauf
(February 2, 2018 - 4:50 am)yes
Marisol Caballero
(February 2, 2018 - 2:18 am)Hello I posted the picture please help me.
: o
(February 2, 2018 - 3:14 am)1st try to invert 2nd coil connection and can you tell what is size and turns of primary coil?
Marisol Caballero
(February 2, 2018 - 3:26 am)The primary coil is 56 cm and have to loops around the copper tube.
Abdul Rauf
(February 2, 2018 - 4:43 am)your primary coil gauge seems thick it should be 30 gauge and turns should be more then 200
Marisol Caballero
(February 3, 2018 - 5:17 pm)the primary coil is 56 cm (red wire 300v – 20 ga) and have two loops around the cooper. the second coil is cooper 24 awg.
Marisol Caballero
(February 3, 2018 - 5:23 pm)we need change the first coil ?
what about intersection of first coil to the transistor circuit?
Marisol Caballero
(February 2, 2018 - 3:31 am)The tube is 2.5 of diameter and 10 centimeters tall the tube and and only put 7.5 tall of copper.
Marisol Caballero
(February 2, 2018 - 3:39 am)I replied already what do I do now.
Marisol Caballero
(February 2, 2018 - 3:48 am)I tried to invert the 2nd coil connection but did not work.
(December 3, 2018 - 8:59 pm)Where are photos?
Marisol Caballero
(February 2, 2018 - 1:58 am)https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/606082ab76af32878c2f3b246cd0bb39bf1a9b7e2a29be2195d071bb8b87b4c6.jpg. Click on picture please some one help me please I need it.
Abdul Rauf
(February 2, 2018 - 4:47 am)I also suggest about 2nd coil do not use this red plastic coated wire use pure copper 26 gauge wire
Marisol Caballero
(February 3, 2018 - 4:54 pm)I used 24 gauge copper wire.
(February 3, 2018 - 5:04 pm)I recommend please use 26 to 30 gauge copper wire. And also used 24 or 26 gauge copper wire for secondary coil
Marisol Caballero
(February 5, 2018 - 1:09 am)thanks you for your help it works. : )
(February 5, 2018 - 2:08 am)Welcome
Marisol Caballero
(February 2, 2018 - 1:19 am)Please can some one reply
Marisol Caballero
(February 2, 2018 - 12:55 am)My Tesla coil does not wont to turn on. But I am doing a different model of a Tesla coil it is for my science fair project please can you help me.
(February 2, 2018 - 2:02 am)Can you share your project photos
Marisol Caballero
(February 2, 2018 - 2:12 am)Can you please help me I need it for tomorrow.
Marisol Caballero
(February 2, 2018 - 2:24 am)Please help me.
Marisol Caballero
(February 2, 2018 - 3:06 am)Help me please, please. : )
(January 29, 2018 - 9:37 pm)Correct me if I am wrong, but the pictorial diagram is not correct. It appears that the LED is not wired in properly. It shows the Anode connected to the Base when it should be on the Emitter, and the Cathode is connected to the Emitter when it should be on Base. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/68712bf1d28c81d5a361a638433b927a93ed5b888ca3a39ac051bc016c4029a2.jpg
(February 1, 2018 - 8:45 am)thank you for mention
and let me confirm
--unknownymous --
(January 24, 2018 - 11:59 pm)pls help me. I tried doing the same thing the battery heats up and yet theres no flow of electricity within the board. Pls help me. Its for my science project
Abdul Rauf
(January 26, 2018 - 9:02 am)can you share your project picture?
--unknownymous --
(January 26, 2018 - 11:59 pm)Here it is, pls help mee https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c44bd7e37afdec3ba9b4fca84e047c20fd97fe6114f8efec4ddb716ad86da817.jpg
(January 27, 2018 - 3:29 am)Oh your battery connection is wrong please read board connection diagram
--unknownymous --
(January 29, 2018 - 5:40 am)Still not working, i tried to change My circuit here it looks.
And my copper wire for secondary coil is 28G
primary coil is 22G.
I use npn transistor.
9 volts battery huhuhu. Whats wrong https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/78c5e8235b92cf75838b65bde8838d32b244309cdd93d803c746f18488bbd658.jpg
(January 29, 2018 - 8:59 pm)Your battery is shorted out to itself. Put the black wire into the other track. That’s why it is getting hot. Here is an image showing how the tracks work on a breadboard. Keep in mind that some breadboards are different and will have a break in the center for the blue and red strips in the image. Another problem I have spotted is that your battery is not part of the circuit. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b6d32e22e5f5f0a5c3533efa3448e9b7e43ab913e51eac2f00757c0c37ae2eca.png
--unknownymous --
(January 29, 2018 - 10:38 pm)Ahh my battery connection is wrong. I’ll try again. Thank you
(January 31, 2018 - 8:05 pm)Did you get the tesla coil to work?
--unknownymous --
(February 2, 2018 - 12:54 am)Yes it works. But i used your other video. Instead of breadboard i use the soldering technique https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e319cf11417e45483268f5e40fcfacf2d89343ab8f9960018dcaf6997c40c28d.jpg
--unknownymous --
(February 2, 2018 - 12:55 am)Can i use othee bulbs other than cfl? What king and how many watts
(February 2, 2018 - 2:09 am)No you don’t use
--unknownymous --
(February 2, 2018 - 5:56 am)Only cfl bulbs? But can it exceed in more than 5 watss?
Abdul Rauf
(February 2, 2018 - 8:13 am)any of cfl can work what ever its 5 watt or 100 watt
Abdul Rauf
(February 2, 2018 - 8:17 am)any of cfl can work what ever its 5 watt or 100 watt
Avneet Singh
(February 3, 2018 - 7:17 am)why only CFL ??
--unknownymous --
(February 5, 2018 - 12:37 am)I want to innovate my tesla coil. I want to enlarge my secondary coil about 560 turns. How many turns should be my primary coil. And will it be okay to use the same transistor and resistor? Will it not heat up? Pls reply immediately. Thank you
--unknownymous --
(February 5, 2018 - 12:41 am)And will my tesla improve if i put a top load, pingpong ball covered in aluminum foil ?
(February 5, 2018 - 2:13 am)You should do experiment and share its results with us
(February 5, 2018 - 2:11 am)For powerful tesla coil we recommend this post please visit https://paksc.org/pk/diy-projects/diy-tesla-coil-slayer-exciter/
(February 2, 2018 - 2:04 am)Wow its look cool congrats!
Abdul Rauf
(February 2, 2018 - 4:49 am)congrats!
(January 10, 2018 - 3:35 pm)Hi bro please tell me the led that you used when I connect negative terminal of led to emitter it stops glowing and circuit also not working help
Abdul Rauf
(February 2, 2018 - 4:49 am)please share your project photos
Faizan Hamayun
(August 3, 2017 - 11:17 am)How many tesla generated?
(April 8, 2017 - 9:26 pm)does the lenghth of the primary and scondary coil matter
(April 7, 2017 - 10:13 pm)hi sir i have tried making this using a 2n2222A transistor, 22k resistor . my primary coil stands 24cm tall, and around it there are are 4 loops of the secondary coil. the problem is that my transister keeps getting hot and blows up . can you please help me as this is very confusing me and i am in a hurry to finish this for my project.
(August 4, 2017 - 6:08 am)can you share your project photos it will help us to identify the problem
Arwankid Dkhar sympli
(March 22, 2017 - 4:23 pm)Hello i need help with this project i have try many time but it’s don’t work….
(March 24, 2017 - 12:32 pm)Please share your project photos
Scope Of Unity
(January 24, 2017 - 2:37 pm)https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d9618d2313ccde70dcdffc1572c49cb0746ff190f89f81bf53220899ee0fe977.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9fb15896017bda696f1534f7a809c05de1bfa8bdb03945c46bfc51e5e0685609.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4142e5f2a628c9368a819c16a0b70f60df01bcbd7becd9f1d75127e4d02abc83.jpg
Abdul Rauf
(March 12, 2017 - 3:33 pm)what size of you copper wire?
Abdul Rauf
(March 15, 2017 - 4:52 am)28 to 30 gauge is good for this project
Scope Of Unity
(January 24, 2017 - 12:45 pm)hey.I made a tesla coil that you have talked about.My Led is glowing and When i touch the coil it turns off.But when i took my energy light closer to Coil,it doesnt glowing.I inverted the primary coil,but led doesnt glowing means my past circuit is perfect.So what should i do know?I need to fixz it before 28th January.Pls Help.
Mr. ClashBash
(January 6, 2017 - 9:25 pm)Hey, i’ve made a same tesla coil with all the requirements you have talked about but the problem is, when the battery is connected the LED glows up and the salyer doesn’t works the transistor heats a bit of too. I tried inverting the primary coil but the LED glows continuously independent of everything. Please help me, as it is mine physics project i need to work it out asap…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b295e1d0f48d7df6bdda86fec076eb38a599738a4fc5a83ac52cf1d0f2eac63.jpg
(January 7, 2017 - 2:42 am)can you confirm me about your copper wire is it enamel coated copper wire ? in picture 2nd coil doesn’t look
Rauf Əsədov
(December 28, 2016 - 12:42 pm)https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4a0c87652fb9ecb5ae97734b004bf0f700dace3e9c169b404f293e2e82b9f105.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/29f93a42c391efe9cfae72b532649be3f275c362ec24606a5d211c8a2df81ff0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e8a767e9e3e76bdf99e83f549b7a2e91597571015958530206348f9f61a5f5b7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ff58866078a94968a7d2fd1c7e387599532a04ac56c48110a8ad0578fc16071.jpg
Salam Aleykum, Could you explain me where I made a mistake. It does not work. I used transistor TIP41c , 22K resistor, on-off-switch, 26 awg(0.4mm) for secondary coil, 18 awg(1mm) for primary coil, approximately 200 turns for secondary coil and 2 turns for primary coil. Also I checked other transistors and resistors, they did not work either. What is wrong with this circuit? please help me. I think the problem is related to 18 awg (1mm) cable.
(January 7, 2017 - 2:43 am)use enamel coated copper wire instead of this 2nd coil wire
Farah Deebah
(November 21, 2016 - 7:25 am)Can anyone help me about this project as I messaged yesterday also but I didn’t got any reply that what gauge of copper wire I should use for secondary coil.
(November 21, 2016 - 2:16 pm)Try to replace red wire with 26 gauge copper wire then tell us the results.
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 4:27 pm)Aoa, Hi sir I made this project all properly used 2N2222A transistor, 29 k resistor, 27 gauge copper wire and pvc pipe and also insulated wire also but it’s not making any out put. For power I used 9v battery and connector and 11w energy saver. Please help me as I need it as my science fair projects till 22 November 2016. Kindly help..
(November 20, 2016 - 4:53 pm)can you share your project photos here??
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 5:15 pm)https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e0ad7065 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/75638214a4087e03881958a709e7e2a08c2a00a4b38769e1d79b250ec40ce622.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1cc4cda6e034a110084135313b7d3a5bf3f42b276de65c260829776ff928108.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1397a49dd8e7bb7eae6c110ff2cf1965699221932fb509311172c201e7ef75fe.jpg b778ded63f06a659988c479c078d01ebb4926daaeb8f6b35c9639a05.jpg
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 5:17 pm)Please help
As I have now provided you the pictures of the project
(November 20, 2016 - 5:32 pm)have you watched our 2nd video tutorial?
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 5:35 pm)Please give link to it
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 5:36 pm)Any other solution
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 5:37 pm)Can this coil power up an energy saver of 11 W
Abdul Rauf
(November 20, 2016 - 5:39 pm)yes
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 6:13 pm)Explain me the solution and the other of my project is right?
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 6:17 pm)Maximum which type of bulb can it light up and can we paste above at top an aluminium ball inserting in it coil’s top end.
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 6:17 pm)Please explain me the procedure of my project solution
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 6:18 pm)I didn’t understand
Farah Deebah
(November 21, 2016 - 4:14 am)Explain me the solution of my project as I have to submit it by tomorrow
Farah Deebah
(November 21, 2016 - 4:14 am)Please help
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 5:58 pm)I have watched the second tutorial
Explain me what to do for the solution of my project
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 6:07 pm)I given 400 hundred turns on the coil of 27 gauge copper wire
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 6:08 pm)What gauge of wire I should use instead of using red wire in secondary coil
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 6:11 pm)What gauge of copper wire instead of red wire
(November 20, 2016 - 5:41 pm)invert 2nd coil
Abdul Rauf
(November 20, 2016 - 5:40 pm)https://youtu.be/A8wwunusLW4
(November 20, 2016 - 5:18 pm)use copper wire instead of red wire
and also watch our 2nd video tutorial about this project
Farah Deebah
(November 20, 2016 - 5:18 pm)This is the over view https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ac264da063e69727f09a095717c28687bff9a7613d3a91536a8b440cb59aa33a.jpg
Victoria Mikael
(November 12, 2016 - 4:57 pm)Assalamualaikum sir. i have build a tesla coil with 24 gauge copper wire and my transistor become hot and not working. for 1st coil, i make less than 200 turn and 2nd coil is 3 turn. can u help me my brother? sorry about my english. i need to submit this project on thursday :'(
(November 17, 2016 - 4:24 pm)you project seems good can you tell me type of transistor you used? like pnp or npn?
Kenju Magtibay
(October 15, 2016 - 3:10 pm)what if I use 1400 primary, will it work?
(November 17, 2016 - 4:24 pm)yes its increase intensity
(October 8, 2016 - 9:55 am)used 30 gauz wire 350 turns wire for the primary coil and 3 turns for the secondary .
it works but the brightness of the cfl bulbs and rods is not bright enough as showed on the video also the transistor is getting extremely hot. Sir please give a solution
(October 6, 2016 - 7:06 am)please answer
(October 4, 2016 - 9:39 am)what is the least amount of the turns of the pirmary coil
Abdul Rauf
(October 6, 2016 - 12:35 pm)around 300 turns for primary and 3 for secondary coil
(October 6, 2016 - 12:48 pm)300 turns and 3 turns for 2nd coil
(October 8, 2016 - 10:00 am)used 30 gauz wire 350 turns wire for the primary coil and 3 turns for the secondary .
it works but the brightness of the cfl bulbs and rods is not bright enough as showed on the video also the transistor is getting extremely hot. also cant take the cfl bulbs even 1 inch away from the coil also used a top load but nothing happened. Sir please give a solution
(September 18, 2016 - 2:41 pm)This is my circuit
Abdul Rauf
(September 20, 2016 - 3:51 am)where is photos of your project?
(September 18, 2016 - 2:30 pm)Used 30 gz with 300 turns, dia-0.50 inch, resistance 22k and transistor pn2222..bt its not working only the circuit led blinks when I touch the coil..i inverted the coil,battery bt no use…need help…
Abdul Rauf
(September 20, 2016 - 3:57 am)replace this transistor with other transistor
(August 16, 2016 - 5:16 pm)Dear Sir,
I have build a Tesla coil with 26 gauge copper wire,but when I connected to 9v battery the transistor become very hot and tesla coil is not working.I tried this project 7 times but it didn’t work and transistor become hot what was the mistake done by me please help me sir
Abdul Rauf
(September 20, 2016 - 3:56 am)second coil should be near to coil and its also looks thicker
(June 29, 2016 - 5:14 pm)Plz make a video telling what to do or what not to do in making tesla coil as all are getting troubled this request is from all the frnz waching your you tube channel plz
Do it definately
Plzplz plz plzplzplz plz plz plz plzplzplzplz plz plz
Abdul Rauf
(September 20, 2016 - 3:54 am)please watch our new video tutorial about this project
Stefan Skowronek
(May 2, 2016 - 11:41 am)Dear Sir,
I have build this circuit, and it doesn’t work. In the photo you can see the general setup and the connection scheme. The secondary coil is 0.3mm (about 28 AWG) with about 280 turns. I tried with 2, 3, 5 and 6 turns for the primary coil, also reversing the connection in each case. Non of it worked. What could possibly be going wrong?
(May 3, 2016 - 5:16 am)I see you primary coil’s 2nd terminal connected with other wire. it must be free and short in length
Stefan Skowronek
(May 4, 2016 - 2:25 pm)Thank you for your reply! The diode is actually a “normal” diode (1N4148) which I used instead of the LED. I replaced the diode by a LED. I also replaced the coil because the original one was on a massive wood cylinder, and I thought that maybe it should be a tube. The new one is a bit larger in diameter, on a plastic tube, with about 285 turns. The primary coil has now 4 turns. I shortened the 2nd terminal of the large coil. The primary coil is now clockwise, with the lower (the 1st) terminal
connected to the collector of the transistor. The secondary coil is
counterclockwise, with the 1st terminal connected to the base of the
It works now, but only for a short time (a few seconds to half a minute), than the transistor burns. I do not know if its because of excessive voltage, excessive current, or whatsoever.
What could I do to keep the transistor from dying (apart from using one with higher voltage/current/power ratings)? Is it possible to use a darlington transistor?
(May 5, 2016 - 4:15 am)Glad to know about its working
now you have to increase resistor Value or try to add additional transistor in parallel.
Stefan Skowronek
(May 5, 2016 - 6:46 pm)Hello,
I did both, increment the resistor value to 160k, and put a second transistor in parallel. The transistors still get very hot, but for now it is working all right. Thank you very much, I really appreciate your help! It is a great project! I was actually surprised how bright the lamp is glowing.
(May 3, 2016 - 5:18 am)and i also observed you uses zener diode. try again without it
Aqib Hussain
(April 26, 2016 - 8:58 am)Salam. I have made this circuit. But it doesn’t work. I have tried both methods(with and without breadboard). The transistor gets very hot. But the led won’t light up neither will the coil work. Please help me sir. It’s urgent.
Aqib Hussain
(April 26, 2016 - 9:00 am)Please help me out. I really need this urgently. I will be most grateful. Thanks
Aqib Hussain
(April 27, 2016 - 6:21 am)Salam. Update: I can get the led to light up but the bulb doesn’t light up when I take it near the coil. I have almost 300 turns on the larger coil and 3 turns on the smaller one.
(April 27, 2016 - 6:41 am)try to invert 2nd coil then check it
Aqib Hussain
(April 28, 2016 - 8:58 am)Thanks for replying :).
I’ve done that still doesnt work. I used a 26 guage copper wire for both coils. The larger coil has atleast 300 turns(maybe a little more). For the smaller coil I’ve tried with 2 or 3 turns one at a time. The pipe I used is of half inch diameter. Looks thinner than the one you used though. I ‘ll be waiting for your kind and helpful reply sir.
(May 3, 2016 - 5:21 am)please try an other transistor some time it doesn’t work
please see this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8wwunusLW4
Yasir Ali
(April 25, 2016 - 7:15 pm)sir please can you tell the theory of operation of this project. i need the detail for my lab project.
Kamruzzman ovi
(April 4, 2016 - 2:59 am)my circuit is working but led id lighting and energy is not working . what can i do now ?
(April 4, 2016 - 8:27 am)Please send its picture
গোধুলির আকাশ
(March 31, 2016 - 3:41 am)what kind of wire can i use on primary & secendry ……
how many turn on primary & secendry ?
can i use 9 volts battery (not full charge )
(April 4, 2016 - 8:29 am)Magnetuc copper wire guage 30 and more than 300 turns requires for primary and 3 to 4 for secondary
colin hough
(March 30, 2016 - 4:00 am)and do you need a light
colin hough
(March 30, 2016 - 3:59 am)why do you not have a capaciter or is that only for spark gaps
(April 4, 2016 - 8:33 am)Capacitor is not required for this project
Abhishek Angale
(March 27, 2016 - 7:27 am)Can I use a kn2222a transistor?
(March 27, 2016 - 7:31 am)Yes you can use
mohd. zaki
(March 26, 2016 - 7:51 pm)what are the dimensions of PVC pipe??
(March 27, 2016 - 7:30 am)Dia is Half inch
mohd. zaki
(March 26, 2016 - 7:50 pm)what is the dimensions of PVC pipe??
P'itam Chettri
(February 16, 2016 - 10:34 pm)capacitor for primary coil is not used why???
(January 21, 2016 - 2:18 pm)when the led is on, what does that mean???
Havi Nguyen
(January 18, 2016 - 11:06 pm)Here are the pictures of my project. How can I fix this and make it work? Please as soon as possible!!!
Havi Nguyen
(January 18, 2016 - 10:57 pm)Please can someone tell me what I did wrong or how I can fix this? Please!!!! I’m doing this for a project so please reply as soon as possible!!!
Abdul Rauf
(January 19, 2016 - 5:16 am)Your connection with Collector and emitter seems incorrect. please see this diagram which are shows collector base and emitter. see also this video it may be help you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8wwunusLW4
Aditya Mittal
(December 20, 2015 - 6:14 am)Sir, I have also made a tesla coil but it is not working, could you have a look and check what’s wrong in it please please please ? led is glowing but bulb is not lightning ?? I have attached pictures so that you could have a look
Abdul Rauf
(December 22, 2015 - 5:42 am)please watch new video tutorial i hope it will help you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8wwunusLW4
M Soahib
(January 1, 2016 - 9:45 am)Assalam O Alikum Sir Ap ny ni batyia kay energysaver katnay watts ka hona Chaiay apnu kise bhe Video may Or is kay Back my jo 4 wire hote hy us kya karna hy Plzz Repnay karay ga
Abdul Rauf
(January 3, 2016 - 4:57 pm)Koi sa bi energy saver use kia ja sakta hai. energy saver ki kisi be wire ko is projects se connect nahi karna
M Soahib
(January 4, 2016 - 7:47 am)Sir may Chahta ho kay 12W ka Saver Full on hona Chaiay To us kay liay mujay Kuch Cheizo ka izafa karna para ga ya ni Q kay is say to saver Dim Jal raha hy
Aditya Mittal
(January 3, 2016 - 3:07 pm)Sir,
Thanks for your valuable reply, I will definitely try out the simple version of that project. And sir did you saw the attached pictures of the project I made cause I wanted to know there I went wrong. Just a humble request to you that please check my model and tell any suitable solution to the problem.
Abdul Rauf
(January 3, 2016 - 5:03 pm)try to invert black wire if isn’t work try copper wire.
Frank Wilbert
(March 10, 2016 - 2:40 am)Hi one question, instead of magnet wire for the primary coil can it just be 22AWG hook up wire? I have magnet wire but other videos are saying to use hook up as the primary and magnet as the secondary.
Juan Higuera
(April 12, 2016 - 3:35 am)were u able to make the coil work ??
Aditya Mittal
(March 17, 2016 - 3:02 pm)Sir, I again tried it, the simpler version and it is not working ??AGAIN ??
Please have a look at the attached pictures.
(March 26, 2016 - 7:12 am)negative terminal of battery connect with other side of transistor
Aditya Mittal
(December 20, 2015 - 5:57 am)Sir, I have also made a tesla coil but it is not working, could you have a look and check what’s wrong in it please please please ? led is glowing but bulb is not lightning ?? I have attached pictures so that you could have a look
Ýõgéñdrã Sólãñkí
(November 4, 2015 - 12:58 pm)Hey bro. Which bulb have u used in this project bcoz I m using CFL of 5 watt then it is not working and also the LED is blinking in inverted coil so pls suggest me
My email- yogendraslnk786@gmail. Com
Abdul Rauf
(December 16, 2015 - 10:54 am)any CFL bulb can work.
can you share your project picture?
Yohanes Kristanto
(October 11, 2015 - 2:50 am)hey, thank you so much for sharing your info.. I have a question tho, can I use thicker wire? 24 or 25 gauge? thank you brother!
Abdul Rauf
(December 16, 2015 - 10:55 am)yes you can use but intensity can’t change
(September 27, 2015 - 9:23 am)very nice to see your detailed experiment and want to learn more from your experience.
Anudeep chinna
(September 10, 2015 - 1:37 pm)please send ppt of simple tesla coil
Aarsh Patel
(August 20, 2015 - 8:33 am)pleas tell me as soon as possible….
Abdul Rauf
(December 16, 2015 - 10:56 am)any CFL bulb cab be use.
Aarsh Patel
(August 20, 2015 - 8:29 am)please can u tell me which type of bulb u used in the video to test the tesla coil (designed like CFL) ???
How much watt or volt it requires????
Abdul Rauf
(August 20, 2015 - 8:42 am)This is simple fluorescent bulb. This project required 9 volts and less than 1 amp.
Aarsh Patel
(August 20, 2015 - 2:13 pm)thanks bro can i use 120v and 40watt CFL bulb????
Please tell me ….
Aarsh Patel
(August 20, 2015 - 2:17 pm)for my project i used CT2N2222A transistor and 22k resistor and other things mentioned in the video
Aarsh Patel
(August 20, 2015 - 2:19 pm)thanks abdul bhai if it not works i will ask the solution if u don’t have any problem….
Abdul Rauf
(August 20, 2015 - 2:22 pm)Welcome
Aarsh Patel
(August 20, 2015 - 2:24 pm)thanks…
Aarsh Patel
(August 20, 2015 - 2:26 pm)i will try it and after i will answer u
again thanks….
Abdul Rauf
(August 20, 2015 - 2:22 pm)Is it working?
Aarsh Patel
(August 20, 2015 - 2:23 pm)i don’t have the bulb now i have to buy and try it …so…
Abdul Rauf
(August 20, 2015 - 2:17 pm)Yes you can
(April 19, 2015 - 7:34 pm)I use 28 AWG wire and set up a same circuit as u mention but it’s not working not a single small LED is glow,can you help me why it is happen
(April 26, 2015 - 8:10 am)Have you tried turning the coil ring upside down?
نعمان نعیم نعیم
(May 9, 2015 - 10:59 am)dear there is done a mistake by you habab the negative of the led is connected to emmiter but you say the positive is connected to emmiter revise the video and see, thanx
Abdul Rauf
(August 20, 2015 - 8:52 am)Please check you transistor and connections.
Gianmarco Peña
(April 4, 2015 - 7:44 pm)i`m sorry men, i forgot…. what does “copper wire 26 to 30 guag” mean??? it`s the gauge of the wire? how long is the tube or how many spins are in the coil?? i don`t speak english, jejejeje….. THANK’S
Abdul Rauf
(April 14, 2015 - 3:17 pm)yes it’s gauge
you have to make 3 to 4 hundreds turns around the tube.
نعمان نعیم نعیم
(May 9, 2015 - 11:00 am)dear there is been done a mistake by you habab the negative of the led is connected to emmiter but you say the positive is connected to emmiter revise the video and see, thanx
Gianmarco Peña
(April 3, 2015 - 5:18 pm)nice… what’s the diameter of the tube?????
Abdul Rauf
(April 4, 2015 - 11:20 am)The diameter of tube is half inch
(May 5, 2016 - 4:17 am)thanks @gianmarcopea:disqus the dia of tube is half inch