Making of DIY water Feeder for the wild birds from a pet bottle is an incredibly simple process Use this craft to teach children an appreciation for nature, animals, and recycling.
making of water Feeder for the wild bird from pet bottle we need one pet or carbonated drink soda bottle, one melamine plate, one nut bolt, and 2-inch plastic pipe and drill machine
DIY water Feeder for wild bird from pet bottle diagram
Here photos of making of diy water feeder
make your own waterFeeder for wild birds: Drilling in bottle cap
make your own water Feeder for wild birds: Tools and material
make your own water Feeder for wild birds: First drill in plate
make your own water Feeder for wild birds: Bottle cap and plate
(June 4, 2017 - 11:19 am)Great, thank you! 🙂
Abdul Rauf
(August 16, 2018 - 5:42 pm)THANKS
Pip Lastname
(December 29, 2016 - 12:50 am)What a fantastic idea, can’t wait to try making one myself!
Abdul Rauf
(August 16, 2018 - 5:42 pm)THANK you