Measles (khasra خسرہ ) symptoms vaccine treatment in Urdu

Measles (khasra خسرہ ) symptoms vaccine treatment in Urdu

Article about Measles (khasra  خسرہ ) symptoms vaccination and treatment information in urdu

Measles (also known as Rubeola) and (khasra  خسرہ in Urdu and Hindi) khasra  خسرہ  is an infection of the respiratory system caused by a virus, specifically a paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus. It occurs most often in the late winter and spring. When someone with the virus coughs or sneezes, contaminated droplets spread through the air and land on nearby surfaces.

In this article headings:

  • What is Measles (khasra  خسرہ )?
  • Measles (khasra  خسرہ ) symptoms?
  • Complications
  • Home child care
  • prevention method
  • Key points

Measles (khasra خسرہ

Measles khasra خسرہ in urdu

Measles khasra خسرہ in urdu

Measles khasra خسرہ in urdu

Now days Measles (khasra  خسرہ ) becoming a serious problem of Pakistan PSC publish this article to create awareness please share with your friends and family to prevent measles.

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