wireless electricity Project : Simple wireless electricity transmission project is an example of electromagnetic induction. It can be made by using simple components and easy circuit that are as follows
- 26 to 30 gauge copper wire (Magnet wire)
- One AA battery
- 2N2222 Transistor
Diagram of Simple Wireless Transmitter.

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Basic parts of Simple wireless electricity project
Basic parts of Simple wireless electricity project[/caption]

Steps of Construction
The simple wireless electricity project consist of two parts that is Receiver and Transmitter
Making of Receiver
- Make a coil of 15 turns and connect LED to its ends.
Making of Transmitter
- Take a PVC pipe and make a coil of 7 turns on it, leave 3 inch wire to make a loop for central terminal and whirl the wire again 7 times.
- After completing the coil, three terminals will be obtained.
- Now take 2N2222 transistor, connect its base terminal to first end of coil and collector terminal to the last end of coil.
- Connect emitter terminal of the transistor to negative terminal of AA battery.
- The central terminal of coil will be connected with positive terminal of AA battery.
The transmitter is now ready. Place the receiver coil 1 inch above transmitter. You will observe glowing LED.
How does the project works
The wireless electricity transmission is achieved by oscillating magnetic field.
- At first, AA battery provide direct current source (DC).
- The Direct Current is converted into high frequency Alternating Current (AC) with the help of transmitter circuit.
- This alternating current energizes the transmitter coil which generates magnetic field.
- When secondary coil (receiver) is placed near to the primary coil, the changing magnetic field induces an alternating current in it.
Demonstration of wireless electricity transmission.
Watch Video Tutorial on YouTube
Video Tutorial for wireless Electricity transmission project
See Also: Science Project Wireless Electric Car
See also
How to make Wireless electricity transfer project
Simple wireless electricity transmission project
Sci & Tech News Urdu: 2015 Year of wireless mobile charger
(September 25, 2017 - 2:32 am)Yes…
Olivia Dial (Dialstylette)
(May 11, 2017 - 3:29 am)Ive done this over and over again and i cant get the receiver coil to light up. I dont know what im doing wrong?????
Abdul Rauf
(September 27, 2017 - 5:32 am)can you share your projects pictures here?
Muhammad Usama Ali
(March 1, 2016 - 5:27 pm)from where we can get transistor?
Abdul Rauf
(March 16, 2016 - 1:22 pm)it can easily available at any electronics components shop
(November 15, 2015 - 12:53 pm)Hello, I like your experiment. But I don’t understand how the dc-ac convertion on the transmitter side and the ac-dc convertion at the receiver side takes place. Can you explain that to me. Thanks.
Abdul Rauf
(March 16, 2016 - 1:27 pm)Transistor generator high frequency and oscillate on the transmitter side so it produce induction and other receiver side it generate ac voltage but in high frequency.
Oli Ver
(November 11, 2015 - 11:06 am)Please tell us how much this cost because I needed this for my thesis
milind sahu
(July 10, 2015 - 5:47 pm)i want to buy this wireless power transmission device if yes then mail me on milindsahu2000@gmail.com
(April 10, 2015 - 7:25 pm)Great Job Kiddo – you are genius – I will try this at home…
sana raheel
(March 19, 2015 - 3:54 am)Habab keep it up. very nice and simple project I will try in my class.