Make Water Rocket LauncherMake Water Rocket Launcher : Water rocket is very popular competition and sport activity in the world. Most of school and colleges organizes water rocket challenges around the world where students comes with innovative design of rockets.
Pakistan Science club also organizes water rocket challenge annually and hundreds of students participate in the event. For the promotion of space science and rocketry, we have published few articles on water rocket construction and manuals of different type of rockets.
The main part of water rocket is it's launcher and its basically of two types. Full bore rocket launcher and nozzle rocket launcher.
How To Make Water Rocket Launcher
For Making of launcher we required.
Bicycle tube nozzle
Bottle cap
wooden piece
PVC pipe.
2 L shape angle
most important part is Bicycle pump nozzle hose adapter.
Take 7 by 6 inch wooden piece and make 4 holes in same distance
place Bicycle pump nozzle hose adapter with the help of La Shape angle
fix PVC pipe inside the holes
Remove the threads of bicycle tube nozzle with the help of file
make hole in bottle cap and fixed the nozzle in cap
Take 7 by 6 inch wooden piece and make 4 holes in same distanceconnect L shape angle with bicycle pump nozzle hose adapter.Water Rocket Launcher is ready
Video Water Rocket Launcher host on PakScienceClub youtube channel
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