Science Experiment: Stimulus and responses Responding time of person Level: Elementary Concept It takes time that a person makes a response when he or she…
Photosynthesis Experiment Level Elementary: Concept It is confirmed that starch is made in the leaf of the plant by photosynthesis. It is confirmed that light…
How to Make a Simple Electric Generator lights a LED Electricity by shaking magnets Experiment Level: Secondary Class, Concept: Induced electromotive force lights a LED.…
Paper Chromatography Experiment for kids Paper chromatography is an analytical chemistry technique for separating and identifying mixtures that are or can be colored, especially pigments.…
How To Make Pulse Counter The rhythmical dilation of arteries produced when blood is pumped outward by regular contractions of the heart, especially as palpated…
How to make Biofuel (biogas, methane) from manure and water Aim: When you have completed these activities you will have produced and studied the biogas,…
Homemade solar cell construction (Urdu) A solar cell or photovoltaic cell is an electrical device that converts the light energy into electricity by the photovoltaic…
Telescope دوربین an optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer, containing an arrangement of lenses, or of curved mirrors and lenses, by which…