Arduino tutorial #10 in Urdu, Distance sensing with ultrasonic sensor and Arduino. In this tutorial, you will learn a very basic program of distance sensing…
Arduino Lesson number 6 in Urdu, Experiment2 with LDR and Arduino (Build Automatic Night Light Control or Switch using Arduin) In this tutorial you will…
Arduino Lesson number 6 in Urdu, Controlling LED's Wirelessly Via Bluetooth In this tutorial you will learn very basic program of Controlling LED's Wirelessly Via…
Arduino Lesson number 5 Servo Motor Controlling with Joystick In this tutorial you will learn very basic program of Servo Motor Controlling with Joystick Material:…
In this tutorial you will learn very basic program of LED's Controlling with Switches Material: Green, red, Blue, Yellow LEDs Arduino UNO Breadboard Connecting wires…
Basics of arduino, installation, configuration and Introduction to Arduino Board (UNOR3) Arduino tutorial number 1st ( Basics of arduino, installation, configuration ) and 2nd (Arduino…
Arduino Tutorial Urdu: These tutorials in Urdu produced for pre-university students (class 8 to 12) and also for university students can learn Arduino UNO board…
Arduino Lesson number 6 in Urdu, Experiment2 with LDR and Arduino (Build Automatic Night Light Control or Switch using Arduin) In this tutorial you will…
Arduino tutorial #9 in Urdu, Arduino Water level Indicator Water level Indicator using arduino In this tutorial you will learnhow to make water level Indicator…