How to make wind turbine for School Science project
Make wind turbine: Using a few common things, you can make a working wind turbine with your students for any school science project. If your students are especially keen, you can even make it produce electricity. The wind turbine will generate enough alternating current, or AC, to power a small light bulb. and also charge a mobile phone with wind energy with few modifications. For testing, you will need a small electric fan to create the wind in the classroom.
Make your own DIY Small HAWT (horizontal axis wind turbines) wind turbine for School Science project from PVC pipe and bicycle Generator (Dynamo)
A wind turbine is a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind energy or also wind energy convert into mechanical energy and mechanical energy converted into electric energy by an electric generator.
In this wind turbine PSC Host Habab Idress building a wind turbine from PVC pipe and old bicycle dynamo (Generator) this generator max power is 5 watts and PVC pipe wind blade efficiency approximately 10 to 15 %. If bicycle dynamo (Generator) is not available in your area you can make an electric generator, this wind turbine can design by students and teacher for their science fair project. we are trying to make it simple cheap and efficient.
You should be familiar with the terms below, as well as the names of the parts of the wind turbine.
wind turbine blades paper template
wind turbine blade side view
wind turbine construction tools and material
wind turbine's electric generator
wind turbine's PVC Pipe
make a paper template according to diagram and take 14 inches and 4-inch diameter PVC pipe then attach the paper template on PVC pipe and trace outline at the pipe. after marking lines on pipe cut the pipe with an iron saw carefully. you have to cut 2 pieces of blades from PVC pipe after cutting the blade attach both blades to each other with the help of iron strip and drill in the centre of the iron strip by drill machine then fix with the generator.
science Fair Project Mini wind turbine by paksc
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Buy Wind Turbine
Do You want to buy this wind turbine for the science fair project? please visit windmill kit for kids
(Pakistan Only)
Fun Time with Wind-Powered Skateboard, Recently we design Wind blades out of PVC pipe and test with drill machine, you can see how habab ride on his skateboard with this power of the wind.
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Use a gear suspension to increase the RPM of dynamos. it will increase the output by 2-3 folds of current result.
BTW you guys are doing brilliant work. keep it up.