Medicinal plants in Pakistan
Documentary about MEDICINAL PLANTS IN PAKISTAN in Urdu produced by Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) and Pakistan scientific and technological information center (PASTIC)
In Azad Kashmir, about 70 % of the productive areas were surveyed. The approximate annual yield of plants in the reserves of medicinal herbs in Gureze and Sharda Forest Ranges/Shard Forest Division and Keran Range of Keran Forest Division are shown inTable (1) :
Table (1): Important medicinal plant species of Kashmir forests,
North Western Frontier Province and Baluchistan.
Plant names | Parts used | Approximate Annual Yield (tons) |
Aconitum chasmanthum | Roots | 5 |
Aconitum heterophyllum | Roots | 1 |
Acontium sp. | Leaves | 7 |
Adianthum capillus | Whole plant | 120 |
Angelica glauca | Roots | 7 |
Artemisia vulgaris | Leaves/ shoots | 148 |
Atropa acuminata | Roots | 74 |
Berberis lycium | Roots | 300 |
Dioscorea deltoidea | Rhizome | 148 |
Dioscorea deltoidea | Twigs | 233 |
Geranium wallichianum | Roots | 18 |
Myrtus communs | Fruits | 45 |
Paeonia emodi | Rhizome | 99 |
Podophyllum emodi | Rhizome | 55 |
Polygonum amplexicauler | Roots | 27 |
Rheum emodi | Roots | 259 |
Saxifraga ciliata | Roots | 37 |
Thymus serphyllum | Leaves | 7 |
Valeriana wallichii | Rhizome | 148 |
Zizyphus vulgaris | Fruits | 30 |
The quantitative surveys of some of the above mentioned pharmacopoeially important medicinal plants, conducted in different forests of the North West Frontier Province and Baluchistan reveal that substantial quantities of such crude drug plants can be procured.
The actual supply/demand of herbs and medicinal plants is in the range of 20,000 tonnes per annum. About 14,000 tonnes of herbs were imported in 1989-1990 while about 106 tonnes of herbs and 3,083 tonnes of medicinally-used plants were exported in that year. Essential oils of Anise, Caraway, Coriander, Fennel, Lavender, Spearmint and Rosemary are extensively used as flavours for domestic consumption and for export.
Consumption of essential oils in Pakistan has been estimated by the Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan and values are shown in Table (2).
Table (2) : Annual consumption (Kg) of essential oils in Pakistan.
Products | Consumption (kg) |
Eucalyptus oil | 10,000 |
Pepper mint oil | 10,000 |
Menthol | 25,000 |
Lemon oil | 15,000 |
Orange oil | 15,000 |
Herbaceous oils | 1,000 |
Other oils | 10,000 |
Total | 86,000 |
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I am very happy to see this website. And I Appreciate The Hard Work Of The Pakistan Science Foundation. I am a hakim if you need some information about herbs from me, I am ready all the time.
Hakeem Ghulam Yasin Fazil E Tibb waljaraht Kahror Pakka