Buy Inventor Box

This inventor box is ideal to feed your child's curiosity. It's consists of more than 50 essential components to invent something cool.

class 9th to 12th

How to Measure a Light Wavelength with Handmade Spectroscope

Make a Handmade Spectroscope Measure a Light Wavelength! Concept: Light is a kind of wave How Do You Measure a… Read More

9 years ago

Build Vacuum pump from Bicycle Pump

Build Vacuum pump from Bicycle Pump Materials a) a bicycle air pump b) a 10ml syringe ) a disposal infusion… Read More

9 years ago

Build Simple Electrostatic Franklin's Motor

Franklin motor Materials two aluminum cans,plastic cup, snap, pushpin, polystyrene foam board, styrene foam pillar, aluminum foil, paper clip, adhesive… Read More

9 years ago

Make a Homemade Simple Pinhole and Lens Camera

Homemade Simple Pinhole Lens Camera Simple Pinhole camera is an interesting activity to understand the principle, construction and working of… Read More

9 years ago

How to make Hydrogen Fuel Cell

How to make a hydrogen fuel cell : In this project you will learn construction of hydrogen fuel cell with simple… Read More

9 years ago

How to make Conductivity Tester

How to make Conductivity Tester, Level: Elementary/Secondary Concept: Equipment which can distinguish good conductor from insulator Introduction: Using this equipment,… Read More

9 years ago

Build Your Own Battery Cell from Activated Carbon

Activated Carbon Battery cell is an easy DIY project that can be made at home by using aluminum foil and… Read More

9 years ago

Electrolysis of water experiment

Electrolysis of water experiment Electrolysis of water is the decomposition of water (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen gas (H2)… Read More

9 years ago

Extraction of DNA from onion

 Step by step extraction of DNA from onion Materials: Onion1/2, Ice cold 60% ethanol, Acetorein ( Acetocarmine), Blender, Beaker, Glass… Read More

9 years ago

How to Make a Simple Electric Generator

How to Make a Simple Electric Generator lights a LED Electricity by shaking magnets Experiment Level: Secondary Class, Concept: Induced… Read More

9 years ago

Magnetic Levitation Science Project

Magnetic Levitation Science Project Magnetic Levitation Science Project Description Here is a very cheap and high stable levitation schematic for… Read More

9 years ago

How To Make Pulse Counter

How To Make Pulse Counter The rhythmical dilation of arteries produced when blood is pumped outward by regular contractions of… Read More

9 years ago