How to making of an Electroscope : The electroscope is an easy-to-make device and should not be difficult to assemble for students who are motivated. They can use it to demonstrate the presence of an electrostatic charge in a comb, a balloon, or other charged object. As the charged object is brought near the upper end of the copper wire, the wire, being a conductor, become charged by induction and transfer the charge to the foil. The entire foil strip receives the some charge, and the two end repel each other.
The very thin foil stripped from a gum wrapper works for this activity than does heavier aluminum foil used in wrapping food.
Examine the electroscope and explain why it works the way it does. Share your explanation with at least one of your classmates. When you and your classmate can agree on the way the electroscope works, explain it to your teacher.
Try to make a new design of the electroscope. What are the critical parts? What purpose does the bottle serve? The stopper? The wire? The foil? Can you make something else work in place of any of these? Maybe some of these parts are not even needed at all. Test out your ideas.
SKILLS: Observing, inferring, classifying, predicting, communicating, comparing and contrasting, formulating hypotheses, identifying and controlling variables, experiment.
How To Make An Electromagnet | Awesome Physics Project
Basic of Resistor for Beginners | Basic electronics Video Course Urdu
Watch video How to make an Electroscope @pakscienceclub youtube channel