music instrument
How to Make Simple Music Instrument This activity will help children discover the relationship between the rate (speed) of vibration and the pitch (high-low) of sound.
diagram music instrument
4. Box with lid Slowly pull down on the dowel and pluck the fish line. What do you hear? What do you see?
5. As you pluck the line, pull down on the dowel to stretch it tighter. Watch and listen. What do you see?
What do you hear? Try to play a simple tune. What might happen if you cut a hole in the lid of the shoe box? Try it.
For critical thinker: experiment with different material for the string on your home made instrument. Try different type and weights of the line, string, fine wire, or whatever is available. Which one can you get the highest note with? Which one can you get the lowest note with?
This activity should help children discover the relationship between the rate (speed) of vibration and the pitch (high-low) of sound. You may want to relate this activity to the previous one with rubber band. The hole cut it in the lid will increase the resonance. Resonance is a way of increasing the intensity of a sound by causing one object (vibration fish line) to create a sympathetic vibration of about the same frequency in another object (the wall of the shoe box).
The dowel on the top of the lid serves as a bridge to keep the string elevated enough to vibrate freely; stringed the instrument use the same principles. A guitar, violin, cello, or viola could be used for comparison.
SKILL: Observing, classifying, measuring, predicting, communicating, comparing and contrasting, identifying and controlling, variables, experimenting.
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