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How to make Saltwater Battery

What is Salt Water Battery

An interesting project to understand one of the oldest concepts of generating and storing electricity by using saltwater solutions with different metals.

Materials and Tools Needed to make Salt Water

  • 4 Disposable Cups
  • Copper thick wire (4 pieces, 3 inches each)
  • Aluminum tape
  • Saltwater
  • Connecting wire 1 ft
  • LED
  • Scissors
  • Pliers / Box knife
  • Multi-meter
saltwater battery material

Making of Salt Water Battery

  • Take copper wire pieces, leaving one centimeter from either end, remove the remaining outer plastic coating with the help of pliers/box knife or scissors, this will make an electrode.
  • Cut 4 pieces of aluminum tape as long as the cup and stick to the inner wall of each cup so that tape reaches the outer edge of the cup, this will be the second electrode.
  • Cut 4 pieces of connecting wire (3-4 inches long) and peel 1-2 cm from both ends.
  • Join one end of each connecting wire with copper wire and other with the edge of the cup such that the wire is on the aluminum tape
  • Pour saltwater in all cups equally
  • Put alternate copper electrodes in disposable cups, make sure that both electrodes do not touch each other
  • Connect the LED in the series to the remaining ends of the first and last cup.
  • If it does not glow, swap the legs of the LED and try again.
  • If the battery is not working then check the voltage using a multimeter.
copper wire


copper wire


Aluminum tape attached
saltwater battery Aluminum tape and copper wire attached


saltwater battery Aluminum tape and copper wire attached saltwater added


the saltwater battery is working
the saltwater battery in action

A few glimpses from PSC Online STEM Camp Kids build Saltwater Battery 

Asad, khalil ,Saad making saltwater battery

Hamza's battery
Hamza himself added some spoons of citric acid which we had in the house. As I told him that a similar car battery has acid

Watch Video Tutorial of Saltwater Battery

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Sana Mehmood