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Top 10 Science Projects to Make in the Summer

Top 10 projects to do in the Summer

Top 10 Science Projects to Make in the Summer

Summer is a great time for kids to explore new ideas and concepts since they have a vacation from school and their energy and free time can be used more efficiently to focus on learning new things. Pakistan Science Club has a wide range of engaging and inquiry-based hands-on STEM activities for children of different age groups which are helpful for them to study different scientific phenomena with excitement and develop their 21st-century practical skills, also it provides them a deeper understanding of various science and engineering theories which they been taught at school.

Below is the list of some interesting DIY and hands-on projects that are perfectly suitable for kids of age 12+ (under parent/teacher supervision) and can be represented at any science fair or exhibition as working STEM project models,

  1. Summer Science Project #1 Shake Generator

An interesting activity for the children is to generate electricity using a setup of copper wire wound around the PVC Pipe and the coil ends are connected to an LED. A very strong magnet is then placed inside it and the lid snapped back in place. The project can also be displayed as a working model of electricity generation during an exhibit.

It will help students to learn about,

  • Relationship between magnetism and electricity
  • Electromagnetic induction
  • Working principle of induction and its types

Learn how to make Shake Generator

Buy Shake Generator Kit from

  1. Summer Science Project #2 DIY Walking Robot

DIY walking robot is a fun-filled project to understand basic robotics, its mechanical, electrical, and electronic components along with the different mechanisms involved in making and working of the robot. The activity is suitable for exhibition at any school science fair and it focuses on.

  • Understand mechanics, topics of Motion, its types, and applications
  • Learn about fundamental Robotics
  • Hands-on skill development for kids.

Learn how to make DIY Walking Robot Kit

Buy Walking Robot Manual - DIY Science Projects ( from

  1. Summer Science Project #3 Solar Bug

It is an exciting activity to make a moving bug that powers up using sunlight, the kids will explore solar energy and the working on a solar panel. This easy-to-do project can easily be completed by children and presented at school programs to show what they have learned.

How To Make Solar Bug
  • Renewable energy
  • Different types of motion
  • Design and the making of the bug

Learn How To Make Solar Bug

Buy a Solar bug kit from the Solar Bug Science Project For Kids Online

  1. Summer Science Project #4 DIY Solar Lantern

Solar Lantern or torch is another stimulating, worthy to present the hands-on task to learn about renewable energy, this DIY project will be helpful to explore solar energy and young scientists will understand how to use sunlight to make a torch and benefit themselves during electricity shutdown. It also discusses.

Make Your Own DIY Solar Lantern
  • Renewable and solar energy
  • Solar panels, its working, and applications for different household purposes

Learn how to make DIY Solar Lantern

Buy online Solar Lantern Kit in Pakistan (


  1. Summer Science Project #5 Salt Water Battery

An interesting inquiry-based learning project to understand one of the easiest and oldest concepts of generating and storing electricity by using saltwater solutions with different metals. The activity describes the following ideas and can be explained to others during any school fair or function.

How to make Saltwater Battery
  • Electrolytes and non-electrolytes
  • Conductors and insulators
  • Conversion of energy

How to make Saltwater Battery - (

Buy online hands-on project Saltwater Battery kit in Pakistan (

  1. Summer Science Project #6 DIY Wind Turbine

The making of a wind turbine is an excellent demonstrator project about renewable energy, conversion and generating electricity from wind energy for classroom or science fair/exhibition. Kids will make their own mini wind turbine using simple materials and explore.

Wind Turbine
  • Fundamentals of renewable energy
  • Types of renewable energy, its importance and applications
  • Construction and measurements

Project # 2 Generate Electricity from Wind Turbine - Family Science Project (

Buy online Hand Made a Wind Turbine Kit | School Science Project kit (

  1. Summer Science Project #7 Astronomical Telescope

astronomical telescope

It is an exciting DIY task that helps students to understand optics and its components during classroom presentations/science fairs or exhibitions. Children will also learn about lenses; their amazing applications and how different instruments use them. The construction of the telescope also addresses the following.

  • Optics and its importance
  • Concept of the lens, its types, working, and applications
  • Properties of light and its behavior

Buy online DIY Astronomical Telescope Kit in Pakistan (

How to make an astronomical telescope - Physics experiments projects (


  1. Summer Science Project #8 DIY Hopper Bot

Hopper bot is an interesting STEM activity to learn about different mechanical movements and their implementation. While making and exhibiting a hopper bot for class demo/science fair children will understand how to construct a robot using only mechanical motions, also it will discuss,

  • Motion, balance, links and joints
  • Basics of mechanical movement
  • Fundamentals of robotics

Buy DIY robotics kit Hopper Bot Online

  1. Summer Science Project #9 DIY Sweeping Robot

DIY Sweeping Robot Kit

Another stimulating and fun filled task for the kids is to make a sweeping bot, while the world is advancing towards AI and automation, this activity will help students to develop their understanding about these concepts. The process of building sweeping bot will be beneficial in explaining the following ideas for any school exhibition/science fair,

  • Robotics and automation
  • Construction of the bot
  • Components of a robot

Buy DIY Sweeping Robot Kit Online

  1. Summer Science Project #10 Tesla Tower

Tesla tower is a thrilling inquisitive activity to learn and explain about electricity, its generation, and high-frequency transmission wirelessly for classroom demonstration or science exhibition. The kids will explore the making of tesla coil, its idea, and the transfer of electricity without any medium, the project will also help students to understand,

  • Wireless electricity transfer
  • Electronic components handling
  • Making of circuit

Buy DIY Tesla Coil Kit, Mini Tesla Tower Kit for Experiments and science project (

Abdul Rauf

Teacher, Innovator, Love to create, explore new ways to view & imagine things and then make them real