Top 10 Innovative Physics Projects for Science Exhibition class 10 to 12: Making of physics working model and projects for science fair or science exhibition, Physics category has too many options to make interesting award-winning projects than biology and chemistry
Here are the top 10 innovative physics science projects for inter-school, and college competitions.
Solenoid engine is a great educational project for the understanding of basic concepts of electromagnetism, mechanics, reciprocating motion, timing, and engines. The construction of the Solenoid engine idea is very simple: It is a “similar-to-combustion-engine” but powered by electricity instead of fuel. Make it
Van de Graaff generator is also known as a particle accelerator. It uses a moving belt to accumulate and transfer the charges on the hollow metal cylinder. It creates a high potential difference (volts) by static charges and hence ionizes the air around. The triboelectric effect is used to produce charges that can be simply described as when two dissimilar materials came in contact with each other, some electrons transfer from one surface to another surface. Make van de graaff generator
The homemade solar water heater is an easy DIY project that uses solar energy for heating water. In this project, we will make a solar water heater by using homemade things like wood, aluminum pipe, aluminum sheet, thermcool and transparent sheet. Make solar water heater
Simple solid-state Tesla coil also called slayer exciter circuit (A Slayer Exciter is an air-cored transformer that steps up a very low DC voltage to a very high AC voltage) It is a simplest Tesla Coil and class 8th to above students can build under parents or teacher supervision. Make TESLA COIL SLAYER EXCITER
In a previous project, we made (Do it you self . DIY Wireless electricity transfer Project. For the making of simple wireless transmission of electricity. we used 2N2222 transistor and a copper coil. The results of the project were amazing and we received many emails about the power and distance of the electricity transmission.
This Wireless electricity transfer system is very simple and powerful. It is capable of charging a mobile phone, can also run a DC motor, and can also glow a 3 or 6-volt tungsten bulb. Make WIRELESS ELECTRICITY TRANSFER
The goal of this project is to design and manufacture a permanent magnet alternator" from old hard disk drive magnets that could be mounted to the dual rotor vertical axis wind turbine. The budget for the project is very low and need good results so we decide to get powerful neodymium magnets from the hard disk drive. The generator had to be capable of producing 5Watt of power with a 12 V output in order to limit the current and heat produced. Make ac generator ac generator "Permanent magnet alternator" from Hard disk magnets
AC generator discusses the conversion of mechanical energy (kinetic energy) into electrical energy by using magnetic induction and emf. It focuses on the working principles and components used in it. The interchange of different energies and electricity generation by the process of induction can be completely explained by an AC generator. Make AC GENERATOR
Telescope دوربین an optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer, containing an arrangement of lenses, or of curved mirrors and lenses, by which rays of light are collected and focused and the resulting image magnified. In this video tutorial, you can make your own simple telescope with simple and cheap materials. Make TELESCOPE
A recycled plastic bottle solar water heater is an effective and zero fuel consumption way to heat the water for domestic purposes. It can be made by following easy steps and using simple recycled materials and can fulfill the need of an average house. Let's Make Recycled Plastic Bottle Solar Water Heater DIY Project
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more models of physics needed