Make your own solar panels from diodes (urdu)
DIY Solar cell: Make a homemade solar cell with a sheet of copper in kitchen (English)
Homemade solar cell construction (Urdu)
Make your own solar panels from diodes (Urdu)
Solar panel is a enclose, joined assembly of photovoltaic cells. The solar panel can be used as a part of a larger photovoltaic system to generate and supply electricity. In this experiment we are going to make solar cell with 1N4148 Diode
1. Multimeter
2. Switching diodes
3. Halogen lamp
4. Breadboard
In order to generate the solar power the diodes can be arranged in two ways.
a) In series connection: Maximum voltage can be obtained if connected in series while amperage is less. The diodes needs to be arranged from positive end to negative end to increase the voltage.
Diodes generate little energy so the multimeter is set to lowest range of voltage. The voltage of 200 millivolts is adjusted in a meter. Prepare the light source and put multimeter probes at both the ends. In case of auto ranging meter this step is not required. Read More
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I made it myself thanks to INPLIX website
You should go to inplix webpage if you want to learn how to build it yourself.
In video you say series. an in text you say parallel.